Archie McDougall
BSc(Hons) MSc CEng MIET
Oil Paintings & Drawings
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  My Art

I have been painting and drawing for a some years now and, although I have tried most of the common mediums including watercolour, acrylic, pastel and ink, I eventually settled on oils for painting and charcoal and pastels for drawing.     I prefer a more realistic form of painting rather than very loose or even abstract art.  This can sometimes be a problem when painting outside (en plein air) as time, light and weather can limit how much can be achieved in one session. No such problems exist in my home based studio where I setup still life as well as painting using photo references displayed on a computer monitor. Although photos can never show colours as true as outdoors, I have gone to some lengths to ensure my camera and monitor capabilities approach true colour. I am a member of a number of local art groups including Market harborough Art Club, Wilbarston Art Group and Northampton Life Drawing Group.  I have exhibited in a number of venues including the Alfred East Gallery, Abington Park Museum and The Market Harborough Theatre where I have been successfull in selling my work